
Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation

Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation Highlights 2017-19


G7 Summit Animation 

Client: Gender Equality at the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation

Role: Art Director & Designer

Challenge: A quick two week turn animation from the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation for the UN G7 Summit.

Process: What started as answering an email from our Gates team, accepting the challenge of turning a G7 Summit gender report into a gif, turned into a two week push to create a piece of content that would compliment Melinda Gates’ speech as she summarized what was in the report.

Solution: 10-15 second gif eventually turned into a 60 second video the Gates Foundation client loved.

Bonus: On the day of launch, Melinda Gates was the one who tweeted the video, along with Justin Trudeau retweeting it the next day.

Performance: It went on to be a popular piece of content garnering 30k views in under a week.


Mojaloop - Launch Materials

Informational video to launch the new FSP product

Client: Financial Services for the Poor (FSP) at the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation

Role: Art Director & Designer

Challenge: FSP was launching a product using open-source software to help create a banking system using tele-networks in Africa. They came to us to brand the product and create a series of materials for financial leaders to learn about the product.

Process: The team (Copywriter, Motion Media Designer, and me) came together to create the holistic branding of the product featuring cloud technology visuals mixed with Gates photography and a collage effect. The main launch was at the SIBOS conference and so we designed event-specific materials in Gates Foundation colors to tie the product to the foundation to draw interest.

Performance: Launch was very well received at conference, with the booth being cleared of all materials (USB sticks with video and stickers not seen below). The product was rebranded to the Mojaloop Foundation in 2021 but retained pieces of the original branding (logo and orange blue colors chosen).